The Roses
THE ROSES, a series of poems by Rainier Maria Rilke, is a gift of solace offered in a new book by poet, N. M. Hoffman, and painter, Gloria Matuszewski. The book is comprised of Rilke's original French, a new English translation and visual images that heighten the beauty of the text. The many French poems of famed German-language poet Rainer Maria Rilke have been underserved both in French and in translation. This new book, THE ROSES, endeavors to address that for 27 of the poet’s poems originally written in French, here with a new English translation by the poet, N.M. Hoffman. In an age requiring so much of it, Solace is the force that exudes from these poems. It is a kind of Solace that replicates the Solace enforced by Time, but by means of a cinematographic intimacy with the life of the Rose that startles us from our instant grief. The Rose is, after all, close to us at every turn, in every season. The poet takes us by the hand into his garden and there we are mesmerized by the personal life of the Rose, its extraordinary elegance, reticence, exoticism. In contemplating the Being of the Rose, the reader endures a grief subsumed into a process that is primordial, even shamanistic, but which is always the provenance of the poet. It is also the provenance of the visual artist who is able to render this intimacy in psychological terms for the mind to grasp through the eyes. In the images supplied for this book by the painter, Gloria Matuszewski, the eerie singularity of the Rose is vivified, a melding of what is spiritual, gestural and contextual. In Matuszewski’s work, the figure of the Rose lives tangentially with everyday life. In this complicity, the images embrace the complexities of Rilke’s Roses and give them a solidity that, with the text, provides a grounding for the exorcism of grief. These images have provided the way forward in understanding the poems and, without them, this book — a tribute and a memorial to those unique individuals we have lost — would never have come into being.
The Roses by Rainer Maria Rilke, trans. by N. M. Hoffman, paintings by Gloria Matuszewski, designed by Élie Colistro, Paris (NYC) ISBN: 978-1-7354615-0-2

The Chairs
N. M. Hoffman and Gloria Matuszewski continue their collaborations in tandem in this book of poetry and artwork from Kearns, Howard & Walker was released in early 2024. THE CHAIRS, as in the impressive interpretation of Rainer Maria Rilke’s, The Roses, was designed by Élie Colistro in France. The Chairs are a departure in spirit and format for Hoffman, who generally writes in a longer idiom. They are a skillful visitation of Rilke’s controlled forms in The Roses that simultaneously lean for inspiration into Matuszewski’s commanding paintings devoted to the chair. The new book manifests their exhibitions in course of 25 years, among these in California at The Commonwealth Club and Marin Museum of Contemporary Art and in NYC at The Cornelia Street Café and Jadite Galleries.
The Chairs, poetry by N. M. Hoffman, paintings by Gloria Matuszewski, designed by Élie Colistro, Paris (NYC) ISBN: 978-1-7354615-1-9

Choral Booklet
N. M. Hoffman wrote the poems used in the choral work, Requiem Before the Times of Peace, composed by Jeffrey Schanzer. The Requiem was performed at St. Peter's Lutheran Church (1999) and, in part, at Merkin Hall (2005) by the New York Virtuoso Singers under the direction of Harold Rosenbaum. Notes on the Requiem: In memory of Walter Winika, Sculptor Three of the five movements of the Requiem memorialize specific catastrophes of the 20th century. The first movement mourns the life, times and brutal murder of Steven Biko, the South African leader of the Black Consciousness Movement. Movement II addresses the unspeakable losses of the Holocaust. Movement IV mourns the loss of our many friends to AIDS. In the manner of liturgical requiems, this secular requiem also sounds notes of hope. The third movement, based on an observation in the I Ching that no storm can last all day, indicates that healing is possible, in spite of the recurrence of evil. The final movement memorializes the heroic gesture of the cellist, Vedran Smailovic, who played for 22 days at the killing site of 22 civilians in Sarajevo; his name is silently embedded in the first letter of each line of the poem on which the movement is based. About the Composer: Jeffrey Schanzer is a composer and guitarist involved in a wide variety of music, ranging from fully notated to fully improvised. He has studied composition with Morton Feldman and Anthony Davis and guitar with Oswald Rantucci. No More In Thrall, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camp at Buchenwald, where his father was a prisoner, performed by the Sirius String Quartet with percussionist Kevin Norton, has been released on the CRI label. The Schanzer/Speach Duo, in which he performs with his wife, composer/pianist Bernadette Speach, has performed across the U.S., as well as in Puerto Rico and Europe. About the Conductor: Recognized among the premier interpreters of choral music, Dr. Harold Rosenbaum is the founder of The New York Virtuoso Singers (“New York’s outstanding concert choir” – NY Times), and The Canticum Novum Singers (an elite choir” – NY Times). He is the recipient of many awards including Columbia University’s Ditson Conductor’s Award. Through his wide range of conducting activities, Harold Rosenbaum continues to be a vital and influential force on the American choral music scene.
Requiem Before the Times of Peace
ISBN: 978-1-7354615-4-0 2nd edition
ISMN: 979-0-800271-00-7 2nd Edition

Upcoming Events
Check back here for readings and events
Book & Print Launches
Date & Time: Friday, June 7, 2024, 5-7 p.m
Location: Lori Austin Gallery at The Barlow, 5790 McKinley Street, Sebastopol, CA
Gallery presentation of works by Gloria Matuszewski featuring two art books done "in tandem" with N. M. Hoffman: The Roses and The Chairs.
Date & Time: Saturday, June 10, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. PDT
Location: Book Passage (Andra Norris moderated) 51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera, CA
Gallery presentations of art work by Gloria Matuszewski with respect to both The Roses and the new art book with N. M. Hoffman’s poetry, The Chairs, in California in June 2023.
Date & Time: Saturday, June 17, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. PDT
Location: Andra Norris Gallery, 311 Lorton Ave, Burlingame, CA
Gallery presentations of art work by Gloria Matuszewski with respect to both The Roses and the new art book with N. M. Hoffman’s poetry, The Chairs, in California in June 2023.
Date & Time: September 22, 2022, 6-8 pm
Location: The Jefferson Market Library
The NYC book launch at the Jefferson Market Library’s newly renovated lobby space was standing room only! Beautiful space, much admired by all. Big thanks to Frank Colerius, Library Manager, who was furthering at every step of the way at realizing this vision. (See event photos.)
It was a special evening of poetry and images with the painter of The Roses images, Gloria Matuszewski, actually in attendance from California to discuss her work. We were honored to enjoy readings by Jacques Villemain* from the original French of two of the Rilke poems from KH&W’s newly released The Roses. N. M. Hoffman read from her translations in the new book and from prints of her poetry, featuring art work by Susan Forste, Dominique Fournier, Gloria Matuszewski, Henk Pander, and photography by Cindy Luggery-Babic.
The prints remained on display at the Library (10th Street & 6th Avenue, West Village, NYC) through October 8, 2022.
See under “Books & More” to order books and under “Shop Art Prints” to order prints.
*Jacques Villemain is an author in his own right; see Génocide en Vendée, 1793-1794, which received in 2020 Special Mention of the Jury for the Prize La Rochejaquelein in France; see also his latest book Histoire Politique des Colonnes Infernales Avant et Après le 9 (both Éditions du Cerf).